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April Flower Availability

All the winter lines are now available with plenty of tulips, iris, freesia and hyacinths around.  Have not yet seen local ranunculus or anemone but hopefully they will come in soon. Locally grown roses are really beautiful with a full colour range available. They look stunning in the weddings. Unfortunately the weather has been quite cool for this time of year and with the extra rain the...

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October Flower Availability

This October we are continuing to see some very lovely local blooms.  Locally grown Chincherinchee have started this month and are looking very, very nice. Tree peonies are expected to started towards the end of the month but the standard peonies have not yet been available. We have continued to have beautiful ranunculus the first half of the month but by mid month they are...

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Valentines Day Canberra 2021

Valentines Day Canberra 2021

This year Valentine’s Day is unlike any our little shop has prepared for. Since Covid-19 started everything has been unpredictable. In 2020 we saw everything from barely any sales during the bushfire and the start of the pandemic to being crazy busy during the peak of Covid in Canberra. February the 14th falls on a Sunday this year which also means people generally buy less...

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