There are a few things you should remember when reviewing a quote from us for your wedding or event and here are a few to keep in mind.
- The quote we provide doesn't just include the flowers. It includes admin, travel time, travel kms to collect the flowers, travel kms to and from the venue, flower care and conditioning, labour, water use, rent, electricity, multiple insurances, materials etc etc
- Yes, we do need to try to make a profit so your flowers do include a mark up, just like anything you purchase from any store or website. We also have a lot of bills to pay, kids mouths to feed and we want our shop to be successful!
- Flowers will likely be a much higher cost than you had imagined for your event but they help to create and set the mood in the room. They make a huge impact on the overall vibe of the day and is a worthy investment!
By all means we are not saying you need to spend a fortune on flowers and we know the cost of living in Australia right now is crazy, BUT we just ask that you are open minded about what you can get for your budget and what you are actually paying for on top of the flower stem price.
We prioritise quality over quantity and that includes where we are sourcing our flowers from.
Hopefully this clears up some questions you may have had about floral pricing for your event!
- Skye x