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June Flower Availability

The costs of running farms are still increasing and these increases are now being felt all the way down the chain. Combine this with interest rate hikes and small businesses are doing it tough. We are still committed to purchasing our flowers directly from as many farms as we can favouring locally grown blooms at our little store over imports as we have done since...

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May Flower Availability

The fallout of Covid-19 and the continued intrest rate rises are still causing alot of disruptions to the Australian flower market just as it is with many of the farming industries around Australia. The simplest costs have now skyrocketed and there are few businesses small or large who can now cover even some of these costs without passing it onto customers. The weather has also...

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Let's face it, flowers aren't the hardest things to take care of, but they do need your attention from time to time so we've compiled a quick and easy little guide on how to care for our products. If you have any questions that aren't answered below, feel free to contact us at the store. CUT FLOWER BOUQUETS The best tip we can give you to...

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