Call 02 6147 7368 to talk to our florists direct Call 02 6147 7368 to talk to our florists direct



Why irder online? It's pretty simple and it’s convenient. Most Canberra florists offer a large selection of bouquets or arrangements to suit many budgets right from your computer or mobile device. Plus, your selection can be easily personalised and your transaction completed quickly. This means you can get same-day Canberra delivery and the freshest flowers.

Some Canberra florists offer delicious Canberra made products like chocolates or candles to be sent out with your flowers and you should definitelyhave a look at their hampers, they are often a carefullycurated set of items made to beautifully compliment your flowers.

When shopping online always look for a florist who has an actual bricks and mortar store in the area so you can avoid order gatherers who take your order plus a fee for themselves leaving less value for your bouquet. Make sure you check their psychical address and check they have their own images displayed on their website or give them a call on the local number supplied and talk to a real Canberra local small business.

- Skye x