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“What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” Jane Goodall What happens when you shop locally? It's simple, local stores employ local people, who spend money shopping locally, which helps create a thriving economy for the whole Canberra community.  So whether you shop at you favourite local florist in person or head to their...

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Why not get a beautiful bouquet of red roses delivered straight to your loved one this Valentine's Day by one of Canberra's best florist. Let us help you make that special someone’s day!   We are offering delivery to over 130+ Canberra suburbs including Queanbeyan, Jerrabomberra and Googong.  Please note to avoid dissapointment that you had best get your order in quick as are likely to sell out...

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There is one thing that must be available on 14 February and that is red roses. That also means that for the rest of the month red roses are rare and expensive. Its rare beforehand as growers have cut back their rose bushes and trying to time the flowering in time for Valentine's Day, and rare afterwards as they pick their crops so hard to...

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